How to Choose a Blog Name (With 100+ Blog Name Ideas You’ll Love!)

Choosing the right name for your blog is an important part of branding, ranking online, and attracting an audience. But, sometimes it can take a while to find the right name.

A good blog name should entice readers in. Ideally, it also tells potential readers what kind of content your blog contains. Great blog names appeal to their audience, are easy to brand, and have an available domain and social handle.

Getting stuck at the first step is frustrating, so we’ve created this blog name ideas guide to help you pick the perfect blog name in no time! Here’s what we’ll cover:

What makes a good blog name?

Crafting the perfect blog name requires a blend of creativity and strategic thinking. But what makes a good blog name?

  • Impact: Make your blog name unforgettable. You want your web visitors to remember your blog name and brand long after they’ve left
  • Connection: Build a genuine connection between your blog name and the essence of your content or brand. Your name should communicate your industry and style.
  • Originality: Choose a blog name that stands out from the competition. It should be original and unmistakably unique.
  • Longevity: Think of the future, and make sure your blog name fits into what you want your blog to grow into. The right blog name gives you room to breathe and grow into various topics.

Keep these guidelines in mind when choosing a blog name. Once you have some ideas, come back here and see if they tick all the boxes!

How to come up with a blog name

Let’s jump into some tips and brainstorming exercises before we jump into blog name ideas and examples!

Learn who your audience is

Knowing your audience is the foundation for naming your blog!

Once you’ve picked a niche, dig into the subcategories and think of the content you want to create. Your audience will have specific interests in mind that should align with your content. Your blog name should be rooted in these interests!

Below are two blog name logos that instantly communicate the content, in a memorable and unique way.

Make a list of your competitors and look through the social channels they’re most active in. Take a look at their followers and the kinds of content they post!

This is a backward way of getting to intimately know and understand your target audience.

Choose a name that’s easy to brand

It’s never too early to start thinking about creating a brand identity for your blog. The blog name will be at the center of everything, so choose something that’s easy to brand.

This means:

  • Choose an original name that doesn’t already exist.
  • Choose a name that’s available and readable as a domain and social handle.
  • Choose a blog name that looks good in a logo
  • Think of a brand identity for your blog

Choose a great blog name that you can stand behind for years to come. It’s all about longevity!

Come up with blog name ideas

Here are some top techniques to come up with blog name ideas. Whether you’re brainstorming blog names or looking for business name ideas, these methods will help you create a name that’s as unique as your brand.

1) Invented names

An invented name is a combination of two words, or a made-up word consisting of abbreviations.

Use your imagination and creativity to create a list of words that describe your blog. Try to merge them together or add a different beginning or ending. Take these examples:

  • Glamela
  • Comode
  • Grubero
  • Faradise

Try out your blog name on some logos!

2) Your real name

Some bloggers tend to use their names combined with words that describe their blog. As a food blog name example: Taryn’s Tasty Tips, Baking with Ari, Dish’in with Dee.

lifestyle blog name examples

Keep a Thesaurus tab open and write synonyms related to your blog niche.

Mix and match your name with these words to create compounds and fun blog name ideas. Keep it relatable and easy to remember! Here are some real-life examples:

  • Amber Fillerup
  • Sincerely Jules
  • Aww Sam
  • Simply Taralynn

3) Compound names

Pairing relevant words together creates compounds. You can even throw in your real name to make it more personal, like Color me Courtney below!

lifestyle fashion blog name idea color me courtney


Here are some more examples of compound blog name ideas:

  • Barefoot Blonde
  • Curls and Pearls
  • Colour me courtney
  • Cupcakes and Cashmere

Here are a few more techniques to get you started:

  • Alliterations: Start each word with the same letter. For example Barefoot Blonde or Cupcakes and Cashmere.
  • Portmanteau: Blend two words. For example, “spork” is a spoon and a fork.
  • Translations: Try translating one of the words in a compound to add sophistication and a unique twist. For example Miel (Honey) Pot.

Want to skip the legwork? You can also try out our blog name generator for some blog name ideas!

We’ve created a FREE name worksheet to help you brainstorm and keep all of your ideas in one place. Jump in now!

Blog name examples (by industry)

You’ve probably already got a blog niche in mind, which is great! Choosing a niche helps you find the right audience and zero in on a good blog name.

If you only have an abstract idea of how to start a business and aren’t too sure which way to go, fear not! Here are some blog name examples from the top blog categories to help spark your creative side.

Food blog name examples

For foodies and cooks, a food blog is perfect for delicious recipes, snacks, and fun dinner ideas. Choose a name based on the dietary restrictions or preferences your audience may have.

For example, Minimalist Baker is the perfect name for simple vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free dishes. Sally’s Baking Addiction honors the indulgence of cookies, cupcakes, and other sweets.

minimalist baker food blog name ideas


If you want something that targets a specific keyword and diet choice – Add it to your blog name! Like Simple Veganista did below. Yep, you got it. It’s all things vegan!

vegan food blog name example


Lifestyle blog name examples

Use your unique lifestyle to lay the foundation for an alluring and unique blog name.

Cup of Jo alludes to a coffee-fueled dynamic lifestyle, while the intriguing name, Reading My Tea Leaves, implies a whimsical and conscious way of living life.

lifestyle blog name example


Wit & Delight was created by Kate Arends for women in all stages of life. The name suggests a way of living and feeling that ultimately leads to – you guessed it – wit and delight!

Beauty blog name examples

Beauty blogs are perfect for those who like to experiment with or perfect their beauty routine.

The Beauty is Boring blog is ironically intriguing. If beauty is boring, why would they devote an entire blog to it? This is a great way to reel an audience in with a blog name!

Hello Glow presents a sense of natural, holistic beauty. The blog offers lots of tips to enhance your skin using DIY products made at home.

hello glow beauty blog name ideas


Personal blog name examples

For people looking to build their presence or authority online, a personal blog is the way to go. You don’t have to be a professional – you just have to be you!

Wendy Rowe is a creative director at Max Factor but also runs her own blog around creative makeup. This way, she ties in all her socials and YouTube together under one brand.

fashion blog name example

Learn more about personal branding!

Travel blog name examples

Travel will always hold a special place in people’s hearts. Whether you prefer off-the-beaten-path adventures or tours through Europe, use a blog name that speaks to your unique travel style.

The Blonde Abroad, is a blog name that implies a light and fun blog for female travelers. The Broke Backpacker tells us we’ll find content about traveling around the world on a shoestring budget.

Notice how both blog names speak directly to their niche audiences? This is great for creating instant relatability!

travel blog name example

Another great travel blog name is What’s Danny Doing. It’s a travel and lifestyle blog but the name has a sense of curiosity to it. The name is also versatile enough to double as a lifestyle blog for Danny. It has great longevity in the long run if he settles down!

Mom blog name examples

Motherhood is a magical and sometimes hilarious journey of balance and love.

At Home with Natalie is a clean and direct transparent name for a blog about navigating life as a stay-at-home mom. Baby Boy Bakery covers anything related to family and cooking for your young ones.

at home with natalie mom blog name ideas


Baby Boy Bakery covers anything related to family and cooking for your young ones. And Pickle Bums is a mom blog name that covers ‘this and that’. It’s a unique and memorable name, there are lots of pickles to navigate as a mom!

Blog name generators to try

Name generators will work with the suggested words you input relevant to your blog and produce hundreds of results. When using a name generator, we suggest typing in three relevant words per search session. This way you can try different combinations and find the sweet spot for your blog name.

Here are five blog name generators to get you started:

  1. Looka Business Name Generator: Check domain and social media availability while you search for blog name ideas for every niche.
  2. Nameboy: Nameboy gives you options for domain availability along with suggestions for your blog name.
  3. Business Name Generator: Although a business name generator, you can find some great ideas for blog names with this tool.
  4. Themeisle: Themeisle gives you a list of options, all varying based on the keywords you enter.
  5. Domain Wheel: A combination of blog names and available domains brings you one step closer to securing the perfect blog name and domain.

Blog name ideas (for every blog niche!)

We’ve taken the steps from above and generated some blog name ideas for every niche to help inspire you. Check them out below and see if anything sparks your creativity!

Food blog name ideas

food blog name ideas

Some other food blog names to consider:

  • Hunger Gourmet
  • Foody Quest
  • Sushi Hour
  • Kates Edibles

Fashion blog name ideas

Fashion blog name ideas

Some other food blog names to consider:

  • 34 Threads
  • Sleek Style
  • Green Stitch
  • Tux Sharp

Travel blog name ideas

Travel blog name ideas

Some other food blog names to consider:

  • Up and Away
  • Travel Light
  • Holiday Passport
  • Premiere Destination

Beauty blog name ideas

Beauty blog name ideas

Some other food blog names to consider:

  • Beauty Basics
  • Grace & Co.
  • Get Glamorous
  • Belle Stelle

Lifestyle blog name ideas

Lifestyle blog name ideas

Some other food blog names to consider:

  • Tea & Trouble
  • Comfortup
  • Snap Lifestyle
  • Leisure Culture

Mom blog name ideas

Mom blog name ideas

Some other food blog names to consider:

  • Yes Mom
  • TerraKidz
  • Runs in the Family
  • Kinship

Things to avoid when naming your blog

Sometimes naming your blog can go wrong. Avoid the following when naming your blog.

  • Avoid intentional misspelling: You might invent a name that sounds cool to you but looks unprofessional to others. Check the spelling and get a second opinion on invented words.
  • Avoid cliches: They sound unoriginal and boring to most, it won’t garner attention and make it hard to brand.
  • Avoid Complexity: Avoid complex name compounds and invented names that are hard to pronounce or read. Read them out loud as a test and ask others for their opinion.
  • Be original: Do your research and make sure your blog name ideas don’t already exist. This can cause problems with branding and google ranking in the future.

Ready to start blogging?

By now you should have a solid list of blog name ideas that sound good and are aligned with your target audience. Once you’ve found the perfect one, it’s time for the fun part: building a brand!

Start by using Looka’s logo maker and take the first step towards a successful blog!

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Use Looka's AI-powered platform to create a logo, design a website, and build a brand you love.